Support Test Set configuration with JIRA integration
As a user, I need the ability to link the Test Set ID from PractiTest to the Story/Bug etc.with JIRA projects. Currently, the PraciTest - JIRA integration only supports the configuration to link individual Test Case IDs to the Story/Bug in JIRA projects.

Surendra Nagaura commented
1. test set integration with requirement and visibility on jira ticket.
2. using test set and adding data should be as fast and effective as modifying sheet. -
Surendra Nagaura commented
people use sheet why?
easy to modify
give concise view
easy to update.test set with permutation and combination should be in same way as google sheet.
main test as column and test data as row heading
Mayur commented
While creating a new issue, can we link it to particular test case? I don't see 'test-id' as parameter in issue creating requesting API.