To add "OR" query between different criteria in filters
Anonymous commented
This is very much a feature I feel would be needed to help organize filter trees.
Nancy commented
YES! Please this would be wonderful. We just signed up to Practi Test and was surprised we couldn't do an "OR" filter....
Title contains "Mobile" OR
Tagged with "Mobile Testing" -
C.Coleman commented
Currently it appears that filters can only be created using OR statements that meet the same item type which can reduce the ability to find what you're looking for when your test library gets to be particularly large.
For example I can create a filter that says:
(Name is this or that) and tag is thisAnd cannot make a filter with:
Name is this or tag is thisOr advancing even further to:
(Name is this and tag is this) or (name is that and tag is that)It would be nice to be able to have this grouping as it would very much help narrow down particularly large test libraries.
AdminOmri Berkovich (Admin, PractiTest) commented
Meaning adding the 'Or' query between different fields