Be able to upload attachments via API when sending results from automated testing
Sending results directly from the API right after an execution of a test ends would be useful to have more information about each test run.
Eg using selenium+python, you first create a junit xml report after the execution and then post it to PractiTest through the API request, so that you won't have to add it manually yourself.
AdminChristine (Admin, PractiTest) commented
Hi Marialena,
Now I wanted to apologize for the very late response.
Probably to answer this question, I won't have enough knowledge, but as I know you need to call the data that will be put to the ‘data/files/data’ parameter once the execution is done and the file is ready. Could you schedule sending the request to PractiTest once two operations are done? Again sorry if I miss something here.
Marialena commented
Hi Christine,
Sorry for the very late reply.
I generate the output of the junit results with
' sudo pytest --junitxml rbUnitTestsOut.xml -vv '
so the file is generated at the end the execution. So right now it adds the file to the runs the previous output.I am using python, so is there a way I could send the file when the execution finishes instead ?
Many thanks,