Enhance integration with Pivotal Tracker
1) Provide the ability to specify Pivotal labels and select assignees directly in PractiTest when posting a new bug story in Pivotal. And/or provide the option to automatically copy the Practitest labels tagged to a test into the Pivotal bugs that get created.
2) Provide the ability to export the PractiTest test result attachments (image, video, test crash) to Pivotal when creating a new ticket in Pivotal.
3) Automatically delete issues in PractiTest when they have been deleted in Pivotal.
4) When creating a new Pivotal ticket from Practitest, provide the option to automatically include the reference to any Pivotal Requirements (feature story) linked to that test in Practitest, within the bug description of Pivotal ticket that gets created. This would significantly improve traceability in Pivotal.
5) Provide the ability to link test steps to requirements vs. only full tests. Some project rely on very granular stories to define their features in Pivotal, so the ability to link them to test steps would be very helpful and avoid the need to create gazillion of tests to cover each of them in Practitest
6) Provide the option to automatically Reject Pivotal stories when filing a bug against them from a linked test in PractiTest.
I have only used the platform for 1 day and these gaps are the most impeding ones I have identified so far.