18 results found
Add ability to show data in percentages in distribution tables
As a user I want to be able to see data in percentages in distribution tables in the dashboard
0 votes -
Ability to add 'Id' as a column for requirements distribution tables
As a user, I want to be able to show coverage by specific requirements in the dashboard
0 votes -
Add the ability to filter out run statuses for execution progress graph
When creating a new execution progress graph, I want to have the ability to decide which run statuses the graph will show to exclude irrelevant statuses
0 votes -
Add the ability to select absolute dates for execution progress graph
In addition to relative dates, add the ability to select absolute dates when defining an execution progress graph
0 votes -
0 votes
Click on Table totals on Dashboard to see those issues
On a dashboard widget where there is a table of issues displayed as status versus priority with the totals at the end of the row. It would be good to click on the total at the end of the row and see the issues.
Same for a pie chart. Click on all that are in status assigned.
If both loaded a filter, that would be good.0 votes -
Add Test to the Testset inside the test itself
When I'm in the Test, I might decide immediately to add it to the Testset/create a new Testset with it.
Now I need to go back to Test library, select this Test, then click on "Create a Testset"/"Add to existing Testset" buttons.
This is too many clicks, I want to decide whether I want to run my test or not when I'm inside this test.3 votes -
2 way integration with Azure Devops (ADO) Server doesn't exist
Currently we can create a 2 way integration with Azure Devops, but only if Azure is on Cloud.
The integration with Azure Devops Server doesn't work.3 votes -
Add "+" and "-" for edited test case in history log
It would be better to see the changes in the test case history log when the test was updated by adding "+" (for addition) and "-" (for removal) signs in front of each change
24 votes -
keyword search loses many test cases
When I enter a keyword and search, many test cases with the keyword will not show.
Now just crtl+F for every page and it is miserable...9 votes -
Adding more fields to panel with PractiTest data in Jira ticket
I'd like to see more columns displayed in JIRA when the linked Tests from PractiTest are displayed - or Steps of a run if it's a bug.
For example, for linked Tests:
- Assigned to
- Tester (of a last run)
For bugs
- Priority (if it's different in PractiTest)13 votes -
The ability to sort filters by column on the "All Filters" page
The ability to sort filters by column on the "All Filters" page.
For instance, we currently have 9 pages of filters on PractiTest project, so it's difficult to find specific filters or categories on that page.5 votes -
Clone a step in a Test edition
Add the possibility to simply clone a step. for instance a 'clone step below' option that would copy/paste the test step fields and allows to edit them
1 vote -
Support Test Set configuration with JIRA integration
As a user, I need the ability to link the Test Set ID from PractiTest to the Story/Bug etc.with JIRA projects. Currently, the PraciTest - JIRA integration only supports the configuration to link individual Test Case IDs to the Story/Bug in JIRA projects.
75 votes -
Sync attachments from ADO to PRactiTest and Vice Versa
Currently we are not syncing the attachments from ADO requirements or bugs to PractiTest nor from PractiTest bugs to ADO. It would be great if we can do a 2 way sync for the requirements as well.
Many times the big requirements have attached docs which are essential for a tester to see to create test cases.
Bugs in ADO will have screenshots and log files attached and they need to sync across to the PractiTest as well.
Also when a bug is created from PractiTest to flow thru to ADO it will/should have screen shots attached along with other…22 votes -
Improvements to syncing requirements or bugs from Jira or ADO
When a project is integrated with a project board in JIRA or in future ADO, can we please make sure :
(1) All the requirements flow thru automatically without a manual need to do it
(2) The syncing of the requirements is automatically done periodically.
(3) The issues raised in the Jira or ADO should sync automatically.26 votes -
Better test step UI for running and editing test cases
Step result - Rather than just change the colour of the step name/heading, which gets lost in the links and other text above/below it, shade whole the step area/row.
If step N has a result provided (pass, fail, block), and all the steps between step 0 and step N are blank, set steps ) to N all to Pass. This will reduce the number of clicks a tester has to do in order to work through running a test case.
Allow a step to be flagged as "needing review" while the test is being run so it can be completed…
3 votes -
Option to remove 'title' field for every test step
Although a small issue, this becomes irritating when we are creating or importing dozens of test cases.
The 'step title' field (it doesn't actually have a name) adds an extra step which seems unnecessary. In my experience it is rare to need to title each and every test step. Please could you have the more standard Description-Expected Result only format when creating test steps?5 votes
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