53 search results
Support advance search on view query · completed
Pre-populate test data from(linked) requirements data. · declined
Data Driven Testing
To add "OR" query between different criteria in filters · completed
Add filters to Dashboard so user can create dashboards based on their queries or filters
Sorting of Export Data · completed
API to the DB, so we can run queries directly to the DB
Add option to download data as json for dashboard items(pie chart). Or give api to fetch the data from dashboard item
Improve Fogbugz Integration (Push data to and from Pracitest)
Add ability to show data in percentages in distribution tables · under review
Add more data types/field formats to custom fields · completed
Get a quick access to extract data from any module.
Add Test Data field to Test Run similar to Preconditions for the Test
Allow access to Test Step Actual Result data via the Practitest API
Add a visual indication that there is unsaved data.
Adding more fields to panel with PractiTest data in Jira ticket · under review
Field data set on 1 screen and showing back on other screens
Ability to present 3 pieces of data in a single dashboard item/ ability to drill down in the distribution table icon
Give users the ability to add custom fields at Test Step Level.
Sort/filter for sugesstions search result