Tables, Font sizes, inline attachments in Test cases description and test steps.
The following issues/suggestions related to description and test steps of a testcase(test library, requirement & test set/test execution):
1) In my organization we use JIRA and most of the stories contain data in tables with many rows and columns . When testcase( &requirement) is created from JIRA into PractiTest, data in table is displayed in between || in PractiTest. When the EYE icon in PractiTest, Table is not displayed. It will be great if we can at least display the data in table format when EYE icon is displayed.
2) When we contacted Joel on the help chat, he showed us how to create a table using || and how to view the table using EYE icon in the PractiTest. But this is not at all useful in editing large tables(lots of rows and columns). It will be great if creating table is as easy as word/JIRA where the table borders are visible and also it will be great if editing can be possible with table borders still present. so we know which row/column date we are modifying
3) Font size: As of now there is no easy way to increase or decrease the font size in test cases
4) Attachments : It will be great if we have inline attachments. So we can refer to that particular attachment and describe the scenario.